Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Four is good. But eight or other is great!

There are so many fresh graduate doctors.
So, what can makes you different?
Emm.. makes you shining?

A doctor's mission should not just to prevent death, but also to improve the quality of life.
That's why you treat a disease, you win - you lose
You treat a person, i guarantee you win. no matter what the outcome
Always live in awe of the glorious mechanism of the human body
Let that be the focus of your studies and not a quest of grades, which'll give you no idea what kind of doctor you will become
Don't wait till you're on the ward to get your humanity back

Start your interviewing skills

Start talking to strangers

Talk to your friends, talk to wrong numbers, everyone! 


Thank you, Patch.
You fixed my cup.

4 komeng:

Unknown mengatakan...

happy birthday doc :)

Ardhyagarini, Dahlia mengatakan...

terimakasih :)

Unknown mengatakan...

u're most welcome doc :D jadai orderan saya gmn kabar nih hehe

Ardhyagarini, Dahlia mengatakan...

waduh iya, inshaAllah saya kasi pas saya pulang aja ya. maaf ya kapt

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